Variables (units) [usual range]

(g/dL) [4-20]

A possible conversion for Hb values: 10 g/dL= 6.2 mmol/L, 8 g/dL= 5.0 mmol/L

(x109/L) [0-15]

(x109/L) [0-2000]

(percent) [0-30]

Age-adjusted calculation of risk (IPSS-RA): (only for survival estimation)


IPSS-R Score:

IPSS-R Category:

IPSS-R Score

IPSS-R Category (including age)

Resource Table

IPSS-R Cytogenetic risk groups*,**

Cytogenetic prognostic subgroups Cytogenetic abnormalities
Very good -Y, del(11q)
Good Normal, del(5q), del(12p), del(20q), double including del(5q)
Intermediate del(7q), +8, +19, i(17q), any other single or double independent clones
Poor -7, inv(3)/t(3q)/del(3q), double including -7/del(7q), Complex: 3 abnormalities
Very poor Complex: >3 abnormalities

IPSS-R Prognostic Score Values*

Prognostic variable 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4
Cytogenetics Very Good Good Intermediate Poor Very Poor
BM Blast % <=2 >2-<5% 5-10% >10%
Hemoglobin =>10 8-<10 <8
Platelets =>100 50-<100 <50
ANC =>0.8 <0.8

IPSS-R Prognostic Risk Categories/Scores*

Very Low <=1.5
Low >1.5 - 3
Intermediate >3 - 4.5
High >4.5 - 6
Very High >6

IPSS-R: Prognostic Risk Category Clinical Outcomes*

No. pts Very Low Low Intermediate High Very High
Patients (%) 7012 19% 38% 20% 13% 10%
Survival*** 8.8 5.3 3.0 1.6 0.8
AML/25%***,^ NR 10.8 3.2 1.4 0.7

***Medians, years ^Median time to 25% AML evolution
*Greenberg, Tuechler, Schanz et al, Revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R) for Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Blood 120: 2454, 2012.
**Schanz J et al, J Clin Oncology 2012; 30:820